What Is A Walnut Shell?

Views: 17     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-12-01      Origin: Site

 A walnut is the edible seed of a drupe, and thus not a true botanical nut. It is commonly consumed as a nut. After full ripening for its edible seed when the shell has been discarded, it is used as a garnish or a snack. Nuts of the eastern black walnut and butternuts are less commonly consumed.

Walnut shells are a versatile abrasive media widely used in blasting, tumbling, cleaning, polishing, filtration, cosmetics, as well as non-skid applications and filler applications.

Crushed walnut shell is used as a brass cartridge cleaner and polishing media by many re-loaders. Walnut shell media is great for cleaning really dirty or heavily tarnished brass from either spending a lot of time on the ground or being fired multiple times without proper cleaning. 


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